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Changes in legislation for England & Wales???

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- Published 8th August 2022

Following the successful implementation of changes to the Housing Act in Scotland, there is a real expectation that this will be replicated in the rest of the UK.

What will this mean?

Well, it is likely that all houses will therefore need to have:

At least 2 x Smoke detectors, powered by Lithium battery and interlinkable with eachother &...

1 x Heat detector, also powered by Lithium battery and interlinkable.

Note the number of detectors will vary from house to house, best practice still is:

Hallways, Living rooms and Landings - smoke detectors

Kitchens & Garages- heat detectors

Some users are now starting to fit smoke detectors in the bedroom as well for additional protection.

With the simplest installation on the market, and the best warranties, why look anywhere else other than