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Your home fire safety checklist

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- Published 5th October 2017

Fire safety is not something to take lightly. Whether you’re a resident or a visiting family member, it’s important to run regular checks to reduce the risk of a fire starting or spreading.

To help with this, we’ve created a home fire safety checklist for each of the rooms in your house. Remember, these fire safety tips should never replace having a working smoke and heat alarm in your home. If you don’t have a fire alarm system in place already, take a look at our range of wireless smoke alarms and heat detectors now.

Living room fire safety

- Chimney’s should be swept once a year, depending on use.

- Don’t hang a mirror above your fire place – it will encourage people to stand too close to open fires.

- Keep your mantelpiece clear from clutter – find another place to store your letters and junk mail.

- Do not overload your plug sockets – stick to a maximum of 13 amps per socket.

- Use extension leads instead of block adapters – this can prevent the plug socket from overheating and causing a fire.

- Don’t leave lit cigarettes unattended – if you smoke, stub it out before you leave a room.

- Store fire wood a good distance from your fire place – and, if you have a wood-burning stove, don’t store wooden logs against the metal outer shell.

- Heaters should be kept away from furniture – also, ensure that nothing can fall onto a heater.

Kitchen fire safety

- Keep your tea towels and oven gloves away from your oven – you’ll be surprised at how many fires start this way. Keep them in a drawer or on a cupboard instead.

- Turn off or unplug electrical appliances when not in use – pay close attention to irons or kettles which can remain on until you switch them off at the mains.

- Oil pans should never be more than one third full – and, once on, never left unattended. 

- Never add wet chips to hot oil – this could cause the oil to boil over which could catch alight on the hob.

- If the gas supply fails on your cooker or central heating, switch off all gas appliances and get in touch with the gas company immediately.

- Move pan handles away from the exposed hob – if plastic or wood, these could melt and catch fire.

Bedroom fire safety

- Do not smoke in bed – most bedroom fires begin this way, largely because bedding and mattresses are so flammable. Don’t take any chances.

- Hot water bottles and electric blankets do not mix – never use them in the same bed.

- Never fall asleep with candles burning – or better still, keep candles away from your bedroom.

- Don’t drape scarves over lamps – it may create a cosy atmosphere but this is a potential fire hazard.

- Plan your escape route – if the worst should happen, how will you secure a safe exit from your building? Ensure you have a contingency plan in case one of the rooms in your house is inaccessible.

… and don’t forget:

Have a working fire alarm – take a look at the range of Sentinel smoke and heat detectors now. It could save your life.